Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Visiting Utah

So, I've been back in Utah for the last week. I forget how nice the summers are here...I love the hot weather. It's really green too! I suppose that is from all the rain they have been getting. I do not miss the Baltimore humidity at all!!! I do miss being out there though. This is the first time that Brian and I have been apart since we have been married and it's not fun! I don't know how my married friends that have husbands, that travel for work, do it! You are tough ladies! I miss Brian a ton! I've been having fun visiting family and friends and been able to get a lot of errands done. Even started to look for places to live when we get back, any suggestions? I, also, got to check out this cupcake shop in Provo called, "The Sweet Tooth Fairy." It is absolutely delicious!!! :)

Trail that Brian and I like to walk on along the Provo River.
Cupcakes at Sweet Tooth Fairy...these kind of places are popping up everywhere!


Kristy said...

Those cup cakes look SOOOO yummy. I love cupcakes.
Sad that you and Brian are apart. My husband used to travel for work and I HATED IT!!! When are you guys moving back?
I would have a hard time living back east. I am so not a fan of all the humidity!! I like my dry Utah heat!! :0)

Anonymous said...

Hey! do you want me to crop you out of that facebook photo?! haha. I'm sorry! I can only laugh because you're beautiful no matter what face you make and everyone knows that. hurry up and get back:)

Jes said...

I miss Utah as well! we are in South Carolina and I cannot stand the humidity! nutso! I love a good cupcake bakery, where is the one you found in Provo?