SO.... Yesterday I had a great day! I was ahead of schedule, with everything! I had all my errands run, bought some great things, on sale even, and had lunch with my friend Kelly. Well...I walk back out to my car, that is in the mall parking garage, and what do I find? I find that the front driver side window was smashed in with a rock the size of a softball. Are you kidding me??? I am parked in a high traffic area! Not by a main entrance, but right by the stairwell, front row where everyone will walk by my car and there are plenty of cars parked around would think it would be safe right? Well, luckily the only things that were taken were our GPS...which I am rather attached too right now... and our cell phone car charger. Some how the thieves did not see my shopping bags in the back seat. The cops said it could of been worse. I believe his exact words were..."They could of slashed your seats and tires and left your car on cinderblocks." Um...yeah... how lucky...I feel so much better! Thank you officer for the words of comfort. I now get to drive with plastic as a make shift window until we get it fixed. A side from that, things are great around here!

The picture of the window in the back of my car. The cop put it there...
Thats really funny what the cop said! haha. I love that "slice of heaven" lotion! I think I need to buy more of it. Last night vak smelt me and he seriously thought I had been eating candy! he's like- "You've been eating candy! where is it? I want some!" Then today I was in the fitting rooms and robyn kept walking to the back and finally she said- "it smells like cupcakes back here!" I'm like- It's me:)
WOW...of all cars they had to pick yours!! That stinks. I hope you can get it fixed soon so you don't have to have plastic windows for very long!! :0) What does Brian do for work that took you to the far ends of the earth? lol. (being cousins, you would think I know!!)
Hi...again. :0) My family blog is
Ok, I know your gonna hate me, but I can't not laugh at the thought of you driving a blue PT crusier with a plastic window!! That would only happen to you! Im really sorry though, GPS's are expensive, and that really sucks! Stuff like that always happens when your having a perfect day, or the worst day ever!!
Sarah, so glad to see you blog so we can stay in touch better! So sorry about your car getting robbed!
And thank heavens they didn't steal my darn stinkin car seat base as well! Too bad the boys can't sell car alarms door to door instead hehe! Jetters and I sure are gonna miss you and all of our fun shopping sprees, laughs, yummy dinners n oh us chicken dances we share together! Have a fun safe trip!
Sorry but i had to laugh! Welcome to summer sales! Every year my car has gotten broken into. I just plan on it now! Last year they smashed my window and ripped the cd player out! I'm just waiting to see what will happen this year...
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