Slip a mickey:
A term used to refer to put a sleeping pill in one's beverage.
Well this is what occured yesterday in our home...
Let's start at the beginning. Earlier in the week I was feeling a little sick and bought some cold medicine. I never ended up taking it. I made sure that I bought a daytime medicine.... Or so I thought I did...
Well, yesterday, right before leaving for work Brian said he needed some medicine. I felt like a good wife having some medicine on hand and rushed to the cabinet to get some for him. He took a dose of it and off he went.
Later that evening....
Brian walks in the door and he has a funny look on his face. I ask him what's wrong and he said it was such a weird day and that he was SO tired and he couldn't figure out why. He had to actually lay down in the car and take a short break. Now this was the first break Brian has taken in six months!!! He never takes a break. He said while he was laying there he was like what is wrong with me...what is going on??!!! Well, I thought that was weird and said he really must be sick. Next thing I know, he walks over to the medicine cabinet and pulls out the medicine I gave him earlier... He asks me... "Is this nighttime medicine?" I say, "no" and run over and grab the bottle from him! "It is", I gasped!!! I gave my husband night time cold medicine before he left for work. My poor husband has a wife that doesn't know how to read labels.

See bottom left hand corner....
Could happen to anyone right!!????