Monday, December 28, 2009

It's a BOY!

Brian and I wanted to surprise our parents, for Christmas, with the sex of our baby. Of course, I was dying to find out too!!! I couldn't wait any longer to start buying things for this baby. (I mean what fun is it going to all those cute shops when you don't even know what you're looking for!) Anyway, we went to Fetal Studios last Monday and found out our little one is a boy! I wish I had a picture of Brian's face when that was determined. He looked so happy! :) Now deciding on a name...this is harder then I thought!

Baby boy at 16 weeks!

This is right before he started sucking his thumb! I can't wait to see this little guy in a few weeks at my doctor's ultrasound!


Jason and Amy said...

congrats! a baby boy how awesome :) we couldnt wait either to find out what we were having so we went to fetal studios too. and then went shopping :) Are you getting a baby bump yet? I want to see pics, you will be super cute prego. good luck deciding on a name :)

Morgan said...

Oh my gosh! I'm seriously so happy for you! Congratulations :)

The Clarks said...

congrats sarah!!! you are going to LOVE having a boy! That lady at the temple must have been a little cuckoo!! haha!