Friday, April 24, 2009

A New Life in Baltimore

I'm not sure what to write in this first post...hmmm...let's see...we have been married for a little over a month and I feel like a lot has happened in that short amount of time!!! Brian and I got married April 10th and then we were off to a new adventure in Baltimore 5 days later! Needless to's been a little hectic! There has been a lot of adjusting in a little amount of time. We are very happy though. I love being married and being a wife! Brian is doing really well at work and I am very proud of him. I'm starting a new job tomorrow at Nordstrom. I will be working in customer service/HR. It's been nice to relax, but I am going crazy not working, which is probably weird. I have not been unemployed for a long time! I almost don't know what to do when I have "free time." Something that I usually don't know anything about! Haha! I'll have to get some pictures up soon of the wedding and Baltimore. It's very pretty out here!